Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Past, The Present and The Future
There is a popular song out now with the hook
 "I'm never going back to the way it was"
We are quick to agree with the lyrics if the way it was was a time of disappointment or hardship but what about when the way it was was favorable, a period reminiscence of prosperity, laughter and joy.
For the latter it seems we are prompt to abandon plans of today that lead us to our tomorrow to travel memory lane.
I heard it said that we spend more time fighting to keep what we have than fighting for what we want.
Because we should always moving forward I have concluded that to look back as a point of reference may be necessary but to go back can easily hinder or delay us from getting to our future.
I look back and am grateful for every experience and lesson I have had. It excites me now to think of this vast world and all I have yet to experience.
I am grateful for the past, Glad to be present and am glad to be moving to my future.
How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to feel you sister Demetrice,Maybe I'm not understanding just what your point is.If the past was full of joy, laughter, and prosperity, in my opinion there would be no reason to say never going back. Because any one that has had a past full of joy got it right. If I was enjoying the fruits of the spirit from the beginning that means my future will be the best, but I feel that the hardships of my past were necessary in order for me to be who I am today.God knew that I had to go through every thing I went through. Now he gets all the Glory, MY past is my testimony,I wouldn't trade it for nothing. Yet at the same time I'd never go back. Praise God
