Thursday, January 31, 2013


Last week Lavinia's testimony was posted.
This week I tell of her life from my perspective. She was and is a mother, caretaker, protector and teacher.
Lavinia is my cousin and in the midst of her many addictions she was a caretaker of me.
I lived with her, sometimes coming home to step over those that were nodding in or sleeping off their highs.
Her attributes of mother, caretaker and protector and was demonstrated by forbidding those with whom she indulged to entice me. In all of the dysfunction there was an unspoken respect between us, although I knew, I was not permitted to see any actual drug use. 
She was my teacher in that she refused to let me remain naive to the harshness of the world. My going to church was good but the reality of her life caused me to question God and search him out.

Today I advise, that it is true, we entertain angels unaware.
I also say that like Rahab the prostitute, who hid the Israelite spies that sought to invade Jerhico, Lavinia is a woman who had/has great faith. The life she has lived is not the sum total of her.
Her testimony shared with us what has been. I am encouraged to see what now is and what will be.

We all have a past. We all have a future.
We all are simply in the process of becoming.
  I thank God I am not what I used to be and I thank him I am not yet I am going to be. 


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tame your Time
The past week has truly been an experience for this sister.
I have attended two funerals, ran errands, entertained out of town relatives, acted as a chauffeur putting in over 420 miles, hosted a first class event and sat in a county holding room.
Whew....this is what most of us women do, and like most of us I did it with a smile, glad to be of help.
Even when things are planned, pleasant and leaves us feeling like we have been charitable the
constant movement can wear on us and be a distraction from what we want to do or need to do for the future I mentioned last week.
Take time to mourn with those who mourn, be of assistance to those who need, always spend time with family, be elegant at the galas and humble as those that sit in holding cells.
and...tame your time!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Past, The Present and The Future
There is a popular song out now with the hook
 "I'm never going back to the way it was"
We are quick to agree with the lyrics if the way it was was a time of disappointment or hardship but what about when the way it was was favorable, a period reminiscence of prosperity, laughter and joy.
For the latter it seems we are prompt to abandon plans of today that lead us to our tomorrow to travel memory lane.
I heard it said that we spend more time fighting to keep what we have than fighting for what we want.
Because we should always moving forward I have concluded that to look back as a point of reference may be necessary but to go back can easily hinder or delay us from getting to our future.
I look back and am grateful for every experience and lesson I have had. It excites me now to think of this vast world and all I have yet to experience.
I am grateful for the past, Glad to be present and am glad to be moving to my future.
How about you?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I Speak Life to You

It is my prayer that the reflection of the 2012 year propels us into the new year with great motivation, determination and newness of life.
For all that celebrated December 25th as the birth of Christ and believe that Jesus came that we might have life and that life more abundantely I speak life to you.
1. a pleasant easy or luxurious manner of existance (thats the life)
2. a source of vitality or animation force
3. strength or freshness of flavor (full of life)
4. gained consciousness
I speak life to you. Be made whole. Eat right, play right and work right. Take your vitamins, take a walk, take a break when you are tired and press on when you are lazy.
I speak life to you. See beauty. See the beauty of yourself and of others. Laugh at the irony when things aren't as you expected or hoped. Be grateful for new perspectives.
I speak life to you. Do something new. Be sparked with creative ideas and work them with fervor.
I speak life to you. Cling and let go. Cling to friends dear and be thankful for them. Let go when it is time and trust the courage inside yourself to get you through when you separate.
Always remember the insights you shared. Smile, laugh and cry.
I speak life to you. Because this is a new year, with new opportunities and with it we should have a new vision for a new abundant life.