Thursday, December 20, 2012


I want to apologize to those who have looked forward to a story since the last one posted.
I had a goal and was eager to lauch this site
 Oct 20th, Sweetest Day 
Although that was accomplished I allowed distractions of life to come and bombard me.
I apologize
I have been questioned of the other two husbands so I will repeat #1, tell of #2 and the series will complete next week

 From this day forward I will write the story of
 a sister who is strong enough, courageous enough to tell what she has overcome
Benevolent enough to share what has made her successful
Caring enough to befriend you with her joy.

Again Enjoy and be encouraged in all things    
This Girl and Them Guys
Husband # 1
I got saved in the midst of shacking
decided we should be married so I would'nt be in sin
He could have cared less about this new relationship I was developing with GOD
as long as
His comforts didin't change but they did change because I changed
I wanted to learn and grow & become who GOD said I was
I was brainwashed and actually believed WE could be better
He said He loved Me
and would try so
He went to the alter and said He felt something
He had a strong desire to smoke a cigarette so He went out gambling and stayed a week
I went to the joint to get Him 'cause We had an anniversary
I wanted to share it with Him and I wanted to share GOD
He avoided Me because He had lost
Emotions Flared
I was sad and without patience
He was mad and full of pride
We stopped talking
the devil grated us a
This Girl and Them Guys
Husband # 2
I had been set up for this guy
I had a little time to recover from number one
I was living life, loving God and learning God
I had what Paul called a zeal of God but not according to knowledge (Romans 10:2-3)
I hadn't learned enough, what I had learned
 I was preaching but nobody in my outside of church circle seemed to understand or want to hear
Somebody even said to me...Girl! you need to get you some, to calm you down...just a little bit-
God will understand day...on the beach, sun shining he approached me, this fella had swag and filled me up with compliments
but I wasn't hearing them
I was attracted to someone else and the someone else and I were doing over the phone bible studies
however, number two was persistent, he found where I worked and showed up on the front stoop of my job with a fresh mouth full of sugar 
I was flattered he had taken the time to find me and since someone else was not pursuing me
I gave all my spare time to the guy who did
We didn't do bible studies but we both knew how to firt and I let my light shine
I remembered God but I had been drawn away from him and truth be told I was liking it.
I was embarrased too, my attempt at making it right was...
he didn't want to but we did anyway
It was disastrous from the start but I couldn't see the fury we were headed for because I was distracted with fun and deception
We lived the lie for three years until it was made known to me that he was sharing the same deceptive fun outside our household,
their fun produced a child and our fun was replaced with realities to face
We both cried, we tried to talk
but there was no foundation of truth beneath the fun we had 
with no right words and nothing to say
we got divorced

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