Friday, November 9, 2012

Them Christian Folk

Them Christian Folks
Folks that name the name of Christ be they
Pentacostal or any other
I am one of them but I won't name a denomination because that just divides all us Christian folk into catergories.
David-the king said "BEHOLD" (stop, look at, see & consider) "how good & pleasant it is for brethern to dwell together in unity"
Sooo... I pose this question: Why is it we believe God can & will  save us from a burning hell but we don't believe his promises are YES & AMEN?
My own thoughts are:
1. Perhaps we don't know what the promises are
2. Perhaps we know the promises but not wheat is required of us to obtain them
3. Perhaps we have deceived ourselves, hoping without faith, faithing without works & making excuses to not work.
Tell me what you think---come on--let's reason together & get more wisdom & understanding.  
I simply hope I get it right. That I continue to learn of HIM,- CHRIST, My SAVIOUR & believe that
if I take HIS yoke upon me it is easy, the burden is light and all the promises to receive are well worth my obedience & work to receive them.
Scripture references:
Psalms 133:1
Isaiah 1:18
Proverbs 4:7  
2nd Corinthian 1:20
Matthew 11:28-29

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